An image of the Moleskine smart writing set (notebook, pen, ipad) with a drawn illustration.

Moleskine at TEDxUTokyo 2023

TEDxUTokyo holds another inspiring event at the University of Tokyo on the 30th of April 2023.

The theme of this year is “doku doku”, an onomatopoeic phrase in Japanese that refers to the beat of a heart. The concept behind the theme is, the idea that we can feel our own heartbeat during times of joy, interest, and excitement, during which we must learn to realize and appreciate such moments, as they are quite rare.

With the goal of TEDxUTokyo being the sharing of “ideas worth spreading”, we found similarities with our goals of sharing creativity and ideas through writing – leading us to sponsor their event this year.

Like last year, we created a customized notebook with the TEDxUTokyo committee and created a booth for our Smart Writing Set (SWS).
An image of an individual writing on the smart writing set.
An image of an individual using the Notes application to send what they wrote on the smart writing set through email.
During the event, the audience came by to try out the SWS and many showed curiosity and fascination at the abilities and functions of this unusual product. Most felt the uniqueness and differences of writing on paper and were in awe at the ability to send their handwritten notes to a digital device.
An image of a individual taking a close look at the smart notebook.
A group of participants taking interest on the demonstration of the smart writing set.
We then gathered what the audience wrote on the SWS and created a collage of a “heart”, a design in line with this year’s theme.
A collage of words written by the participants, shaped into a heart.